

How Infusion Therapy is Changing the Landscape of Modern Medicine

Discover how infusion therapy revolutionizes modern medicine in our insightful blog on 'How Infusion Therapy is Changing the Landscape of Modern Medicine'.
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Understanding the Holistic Approach to Healthcare at Camberwell Medical Centre

Discover the holistic approach to healthcare at Camberwell Medical Centre for integrated wellness solutions.
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Everything You Need to Know About Allergy Shots: Benefits and Risks

Discover the benefits and risks of allergy shots in our comprehensive guide 'Everything You Need to Know About Allergy Shots'.
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If you book Telehealth appointments, please know that patients visiting the practice are given priority, therefore no phone appointment will occur at a specific time. Telehealth appointments are conducted between appointments at the convenience of the practice, between 9am - 7.30pm. From 01/08/2024 telehealths will be privately billed with a charge of $60 and Medicare rebate of $42.85.